Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 5 - tute exercise.

The tutetask this time is to go in groups and make a culture jam. Then we have to post on the blog who is doing what in the group, and how we are going to make the culture jam, and what it is about in week 5. The finished product, as I was told by the New Communication Technology team, is not due until week 9.

In the first tutorial there where hardly any people to make a group with, so I decided to wait until the next tutorial to make a group. But I started to do some research on culture jam. I found many interesting things, and idea`s. You can basicly do everything. Just not anything illegal of course. I am very excited about this project! So when I got in to the next tutorial I formed a group with Lisa, Sophie, Phill and Craig. And we started shooting idea`s. We are five people in the group, so it takes sometime to decide on something. But after a while, going back and forth, we came up with an idea with sharks. The way we came up with this idea is that we started thinking of what we can use in teh local area. And as we all know, here at the Gold Coast there are many channels where the sharks get in. This made us think about ways to make this a culture jam. Around the Coast there is shark nets, but there are some cleaver sharks that does not mind the net. So where thinking that we could make something that would "scare" people, something that would make the news. Because sharks are scary! And it attracks peoples attention. We came up with several idea`s of how we should do this, and I think the most of us where voting for the filming. We are all collecting information on how we could do this. So we are meeting up again to share the information, and start filming. We want to make something shocking that will attrac people`s attention, so we could make the news. My job is to search the web for shark stories, so that we could have a look at what people have did before, and accidents etc. That is everybody elses jobs as well, to search the internet for shark stories and gathering information about the subject. We haven`t really delegated the work, so we are all doing some research. We really want to do something great! So we are putting a lot of effort into making a great culture jam!

Response to lecture week 5.

"Consumption and production".

This week the lecturer introduced us to the topic "consumption and production". These are both very interesting topics. This lecture lead us into the world of activie citizens that again leads us into culture jamming witch is this week tutorial activity tasks. After taking a look at my notes after this lecture I found a note where I had written down a sentence that said "we are cumsomers of the content". This is also a sentence that is written in the course content file of week 5. And I want to reflect a bit around this sentence. What does it mean? I think the meaning of this is that we the people are affected by the advertisement and cummorcials that we see around us. Our subconscious take in every thing that we see a in a way save`s it in our minds. So the next time we are out shopping at this famous brand (a famous brand made by the power of the media), we buy the clothes that was showed in the ad, or on the cummorcial on TV. It works the same way when we go into stores or supermarkets. We always buy the brands that we know about, and these are the brands that we see around us.

We never think about how these things affect us. Just take a look at all the new things showing up in the market every day, like Iphone, Ipod, new computers, internet stores and so on. This ad`s affect us. It makes people buy it. This is propaganda, half of the stuff we are introduced to is just rubbish. I was suprised to know that there where so many social activist that is out there and doing there culture jam. Like twisting ad`s and cummorcial or doing something spectacular with the important people around us, or the environment. In the lecture they where called "citizen journalism", and I like to call them social activist because they are working on their own and not for a firm. They find information, which they use to make the ad`s backwards and other issues that they upload online for people to see. I have to be honest again and say that I haven`t seen a lot of these culture jam videos or ad`s, because I mostly watch news, or read the papers. I am an old fashion prson I think. But I think it is very cool when the social activist actually make the news, and I hope that is what we will do with our culture jam. The internet is really full of opportunities!

Week 5 tutespark.

Culture jamming.

This week we got a task that said that we had to find out what is considered to be the first culture jam. But first I want to take a look at what culture jam really means. I am a international student, and as much as I do not want to admit this, it is sometimes a bit hard to understand what the tutor/lecturer want us to find. So I looked up culture jam online, and got to read a bit about it. And it is really interesting! I will say that the definision of culture jam is a kind of tactic used by social activist to make people see the "real" truth behind advertising. This social activist is the consumers of the ad`s. They often use the all ready published advertising to front their vision. This method is used to make people see that advertsing is just propanganda, and that is just tricking us to buy, or do the stuf that they front in the advertisement. Let`s take a typical commercial, like the ones that for example H&M use. Here they show of their clothes on skinny skinny girls, giving the message, that if you buy these clothes you would look like the girl on the picture. The biggest problem with this kind of commercial is that the models becomes thinner and thinner every year. What does this do with people`s confidence? It gives a underline message that makes insecure girls wanna lose weight. There is a fact that eating disorders is starting to increase around the world. It becomes more and more common to know someone that has eating disorders or have had it! This say something about the world! And it is in these situations that culture jam activist is good to have. They turn this commercial picture of the perfect person on the head, and show us real people.

In Norway we had this commercial on TV, where there wore real women posing in their underwear to advertise a skincream. I is not a norwegian commercial, it was just showed a lot on TV back home, and that is why I remember it. People like to see that real people like themself is used as positive role models.

This ad was made in 2006 to connect with real women. It was a big hit for Dove, and it did not cost much. People loved the ad, and it was a positive thing for Dove, beacuse then they managed to sell more products. I think this is the way ad`s should be, real!

When it comes to the first example of culture jamming, I will say that this was a hard one to find. And I think the answer will depend on the source. I managed to find out something on Wikipedias pages. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_jamming

It says that culture jamming can be tracked as far back as the 1950s. And the source says that it was one very active group in Europe called the Situationists. Their leader was a man called Guy Debord. The group saw everything from radioes and TVs as a threat. I also found out that this group was responsible for a mass strike in France 1968. http://libcom.org/thought/situationists-an-introduction

There are many debates going on around the world about fitness and health. People are getting bigger and bigger. There is to much unhealthy food everywhere we go. The commercial and adds makes people buy the junk food, the candy and the soda`s. In Norway they have now forbidden commercials of junkfood, candy and soda`s on TV. And the candy at supermarkets can`t no longer be placed in front of the cash register. I found a really funny poster about this unhealthy way of advertising that really shows us that we got to do something. The culture jam uses the sarcasm to make their point.

This poster is an old poster that was made by the Soda Pop Board of America. And they managed to give the message to the parents that they should not feed their babies Cola, beacuse it can give them diabetes, obesity and other disabilities and illnesses. I am not sure when the ad was made, I can not find an exact date.

This culture jam was made to make people see what alcohol do to them. The culture jam activist made the original ad into what they called an "Absolute Impotence", where they make the bottle look like a person would look like when they drink alcohol. The ad was made by the adbusters, and I think they made it in 2009, at least that is what i the website says. I find it very hard to find out when they where made.

This website has a lot of culture jams! I just have to put in one more!

This culture jam is also made by the adbusters. It was made to put a laugh on the fact that McDonald`s food is very unhealthy, and that people could actually die of eating McDonald`s every day. It is kind of a funny way of getting the information out there though. But it works! People is dragged to ad`s and commercial of this type. It is in a way shocking and funny.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Response to lecture week 4.

"From the Very Big Screen to the Very Small".

This lecture was about the development of the cinema/screen technology. We got to learn about how it all started with the birth of the cinema in 1895 in France. It was basicly short films that was showed. The full length feature film was released in 1906, and from this stage it is not far until the full length animated film about Disney`s Snow White was showed in 1937. This is still a classicer. I have hardly ever heard of any one who has never seen Snow White, this is a legendary movie that every generations is introduced to. The picture to the left is a poster from 1937 when the Snow White was released.

After the cinema came the TV in 1939. And this was the biggest competition to the cinema, because now people could watch the films in their own livingroom. So to keep up the competition, the 3D films was released in 1952. As the develpoment has been huge in the cinema/TV world sense the birth of the cinema in 1895, we could still se that the methods invented then is used today, like the 3D movies and for example the short films. It is still very common with short films. Small film producers uses this films in a way of showing their work with going bankrupt.

Today there is plenty of movies to choose from on TV, and the most of us has payed TV, so we could broadcast other channels from around the world. On the internet we have the famous Youtube, where there are thousands of movies viewed daily. Many people uses Youtube to front their work. And people could get popularity around their movie. I have even heard of people that has been offered jobs after posting something on Youtube.

Even though TV and the internet are the cinemas biggest competition along with other things of course, people are still dragged to the cinema. Befor ebig premiers of for example an new movie from Harry Potter, people are sleeping in line to get the best tickets weeks before the film is showed! And the cinemas start making up their own treats to attract people, like her in Australia they have the famous Gold Class where people can relax in comfertable chairs, order food and even a beer! This livingroom feeling makes people wanna go to the cinema. I think it is great that people still uses it, it is a important piece of the world culture and the countries individually.

Week 4 - tute tasks.

1. Where and when did usable online video start?

I was not able to find any good answer to this question.

2.In the lecture we heard about technological innovations that were used by the studios to lure audiences. (mostly to combat the popularity of TV) What recent innovations are being used to lure us in the movies? What are they luring us from?

As I read this question I think about the 3D movies, where we have glasses on that makes the movie more real. It gives us an illusion of being in the movie. It hides all the "oh, that does not look real" scenes. People like to go and se the 3D films, because they know they will have a good time. They know they will be dragged into the movie, and they will not be able to see any faults. It gives an image of a real thing.

3.Are short films still being made? Why? Who pays for them to be made?

I will say that short films are still being made. I did some research online, and I found several film festivals for short films. Like the Tropfest that is the worlds largest film festival, or many others over in the states like Los Angeles short film festivals, the Manhatten short film festivals, the Miami short film festivals, and there are also one in London, the London short film festival, and many many more.


I think short films are still being made, so that small filmmakers still can show off their work, and not have to use a lot of money to produce them. And at this filmfestivals they can be showed to the world, and producers and other authoritys can se their skills.

4.The term viral is thrown about adhoc but what does it mean in film/movie arena? Give some examples.

I am not sure how to answer this question, as I am not sure how to put it right, or if I have understood it. But I think the term viral means that it makes a film popular. And often when people uploades a film to the internet, people can share it with each other, and quite often we can se that some movie get more viewers than others, and then becomes popluar in the internet world.

"This question is answered out of my lecture notes and the lecture content online".

5.Online video distribution isn't limited to the short film format. We are now starting to see television styled shows made solely for internet release (webisodes). Find an example of this style of content and discuss how viewing television content in this way can positively and negatively affect the viewer's experience.

I managed to find a website with a lot of webisodes, but I have some problems uploading videos to this blog, so I can only give a link to the page and the film that I have choosen.


Here is the webisodes that I choose. It is called "Key of Awesome". It is a comedy/musical.

I think viewing these episodes that it could both be a positive and negvative experience for the the viewer. In the positive way people could watch it when ever they want, they could choose between a dusin of films. But in the nagtive way the resolution is bad, and the experience that you get from watching a movie in your own livingroom with a bunch of friends is way more better than this. I find this webisodes artificial. I got to say that I didn`t really like it, but I can understand why people do.

Week 4 Tutespark. Big screen to small screen.

This is a australian short movie about a couple who has a love fight, and things gets really bad. It is shocking and hilarious.The thing that makes this short film worth seeing is the tention that is built up in the viewers at all times. We know that something is going to happen, and the stuf that do happend, is shocking, terrible and hilarious at the same time. I think it`s really great that the film also are an australian.

This a short movie made for the internet. It was made to compete in a film festival of short movies from different countries of the world. People watch them online and vote, then they have a festival where the winners gets a price.

This is a short scary movie. That tricks your brain. It is a bit strange at first, but then it gets really creepy! This film will be popular because it makes the viewers wanna find out more.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The tutespark week 3. Three digital devices.

The tutespark this week was to find three digital devices that are not electronic that is used to communicate.

1: The first thing that I think about when I read this question is the Morse code.

2: I did some research online and I found something called the Braille a-system. It says that the braille system is a "tactile system of raised dots representing letters of the alphabet." This is the most effective system to contact the blind people. And the web page says it was invented in Paris by a man named Louis Braille.


3: The last thing I found was the Sputnik. A russian satellite that was shot out to the space in the 1950s to gather information about the space.


Response to lecture week 3.

"A Short History of Computing and the Internet".

This week the lecture ws about the history of computers and the internet. In this 50 min lecture we got to learn some new things, and some I did know from before. I think this i s a very interesting topic, and it is a topic that we can discuss for ages.

If we start to look at networking, there was a time before computers. Back in the old days the networking went through books. And the development from that stage until now is an interesting journey. If we take a look at the digital technology, we can say that old cash registers is a form of a old digital technology, because it could calculate. The mechanical computer devices did rulled before we had digital computers. If we look at the history there is always more technology invented after a war. During world war 2, they used several communication forms and technologies to delete the enemy and keep things a secret. These technologies gets more developed after the war and becomes the seeds for todays computers, internet and technology.
Radio = radar = computers!

The first Pc was released in 1975. This was a quite large computer, and did weigh a lot. The biggest problem with this computer was that it didn`t hav eany language. And this issue made people like Bill Gates excited. He dropped out of school and started ineventing a language for the Altair called BASIC, and to make people buy this program he started a little company, actually in his garage, called Microsoft! And more and more companies transferd into the PC world!

More and more people, or computer "nerds" as we call them, started exchange ideas. And this led to the start of the Apple. To men, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, produced the Apple 1. They made this product for people who were more interested in the software and the possibilities then the PC hardware. These computers became a hit, and the guys sold a lot of it. So when Steve Jobs where 25 years old, he wa worth $100 million dollars!

Today the computers/Mac is much faster, and everything goes online. The internet is what controls the world. There is computers everywhere. The development of the internet started after the Sputnik 1 was invented by the russians. the US feared that they would take over, so they inevnted the internet from the late 1950s to the early 1970s in the US, by a group of people. And as many think, it was not Al Gore who invented the internet.

I think this was a really interesting and exciting lecture, and I can hardly stop writing about this topic. I think that it is really interesting to find out who made the internet, when was invented, and everything about the computers development.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Response to lecture week 2.

This week we learned about how the language of the cinema works. There is different types of way to express a situation, and show the viewers what is happening in the movie. We have the 5 W, and H, that is used to put together a story. The 5 W`s is: what, when, where, who and why, and then comes the H, that is: how. To make a story out of this we have to use different shots to show the viewers the story. There are many different shots sizes that we use, from very long shot to extreme close up.

To answer the 5 W`s and the H we use different shots. The who is answered by taking a picture close up to the caracter, that shows the face very clearly. The what is answered when you take a picture with the caracter in action, it is good to use a mid shot when taking this picture. The where is taking with a long shot, to show where the caracter is. The when is showing when things happens, what time it is, and so on, and it`s commone to use both a wide shot and the close up. The why is answered by taking a big close up picture to reveal something about the caracter or the situation. The how is a tricky one, and can be a bit hard to answer sometimes, it explain what is happening, like an event or something. So it is common to take a series of close up pictures or just use a medium close up picture.

When you take pictures, there is many things to think about. How the person is standing in the picture and how the picture view is. The rule of thirds tells you to not put the person in the middle of the picture, but a bit to the side, so it creates a balance in the picture. It is also important to remember that the person has "head room" and "talking room". Head room is taking a picture of the caracter when you have just enough space for the whole head, and half the upper body. The talking room is a bit more close up, and you show more of the head than in the "head room" shot, and it is important to remember not to put the caracter to far to the side in the picture. That is why the rule of thirds has to be used all the way.

When to caracters are going to talk to each other in the scene, the 180 degree rule breaks in. The two people are facing each other in a way that makes an 180 degree line on each side of them. To make the viewers more interested and drive their curiosity forward, you have to take a picture that makes a statement. Like when there is a picture of the caracter running away from the killer, or a close up picture of the caracter when it makes a scared face when he/she saw something terrible.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maren in Australia!

My name is Maren, and I have recently moved to Australia from Norway to study at Giffith University:) I really love the weather and the people down here:) I am doing a bachelor degree in communication, so I am going to be here for three years:)