Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Response to lecture week 6/ tutespark

New media and social media.

This week Adam Muir had a lecture about new media and social media. He discussed what virtual community and internet identity is. He said that when internet was first abel to use for people virtual community was like a little community og people that communicated with each other through the internet and made relationships this way. In this way people could for example pretend to be someone else then they are.

Then people started to open different forums where people with the same interest could discuss what they had in common. Adam called this online communication. Forums does still exist today, but this online communication has developed into social networks like Facebook, Twitter, My space, blogs, etc. And people can now share their content with everyone else.

Adam gave us some questions that is this week tutespark.

- Who owns the content you put on the internet on various sites?
- This includes pictures, video, text, etc?
- Think about all the content you upload onto social networking sites - Do you own it?
- Who has the right to use your creations?

The only content I upload on the internet is photoes and videos on Facebook. I know that I do not own what I put on Facebook, as a friend of my told me so. And it is quite scary that we actually do not have any control over our own content. On Facebook we are able to copy and paste the photos of other peoples facebook accounts. I have even done it myself. And this happens without our knowledge. This is why people can be exposed and their pictures manipulated on internet web pages that they do not wont to be involved with. I know that this has happen to people, and I think it is strange that Facebook hasen`t put a lock on the photos for example, so people are not able to copy them.

In Norway we have this internet page called where people upload their school assignment that they have recieved good grades on when they are high school students. Everybody is able to copy this assignments and take credit for it as it was their own work. I know for a fact that some students at my high school did this, some where caught and some got away for it.

Once you upload content on the internet you do not really have any control over it, and everybody who uses the internet can easily steal your content, abuse it on other internet pages or even take credit for your work. It is a risk we all take when we upload something on any webpages. Many people does not have this in mind when they put things out there, and it is scary to see what people actually upload some times. People who apply for jobs in Norway could risk that their future boss check their facebook to see what kind of person you are. So it is very important to have a closed profile. People have lost the opportunity to have their dream job if they have for example to much party pictures on their facebook. The picture on Facebook, blogs and other social networks can tell a lot about you as a person, so people have to be careful of what content they put on their Facebook account.

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